Now is the time to

Build Up

Together, let’s build for people, for business,
for life ... for growth.

Ottawa Skyline

The Ottawa Board of Trade is calling on leaders to BUILD UP OTTAWA! Through innovative investments that drive growth for an inclusive and sustainability economy. Now is the time to grow our city, for our near future and the next generation. We invite every Ottawa business and community leader to join the conversation about our Ottawa priorities during this municipal election. And encourage Ottawa citizens to elect leaders committed to collaboration, growth and innovation. Now is the time.


What Candidates Are Saying

See what candidates in the upcoming election are saying!

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Ottawa Board of Trade members drive business and community success with access to resources, brand building and connections. More importantly they influence change that will build a more affordable, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Ottawa. Join us today to build a world class capital city. To learn more and be a member, click the button below:

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COMMON GROUND: Ottawa Mayoral Candidates Debate

October 20, 2022


How can we Build up Ottawa?

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Build For Growth

Support innovative infrastructure such as light rail transit phase 3, Ottawa airport, and high impact projects. Connecting Kanata and Barrhaven to the rest of the city supports our climate and inclusivity agenda while making the city more attractive to investment and talent.

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Build More Homes

Increase the accessibility and affordability of homes by: (1) streamlining development approval processes, removing barriers, and incentivizing strategic city building to increase inventory and positively impact the market pricing of homes and (2) advocating for adequate funding to build housing in Ottawa that addresses the growing demands for people and families who require social support.

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Build Business Confidence

Commit to moderate and preset tax increases for four years to help businesses address rising costs and inspire business confidence, innovation, and predictability. Focus on efficiency, service excellence and economic development investments for long term, sustainable growth.

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Build for Better Health

Advocate for and support the New Campus Development at the Ottawa Hospital, a state-of-the-art healthcare facility to ensure our growing population is well served and healthy while attracting businesses and residents seeking amenities.

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Build Small Business

Advocate for and support policies and programs that directly impact businesses in the hardest hit sectors, and diverse businesses owned by women, Indigenous, racialized entrepreneurs, people with disabilities and those who are part of the LGBTQ2S+ community.

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